Wednesday 11-12-24 Ms Rania
Grammalysis: study page 134 and do ex 11 page 135 and ex 12 page 135 ( 1-10) Essay: Statistics show that the problem of teenage smoking and drinking alcohol is a real one and it cannot be ignored as an increasing number of young people drink and smoke excessively. According to International Health Conferences, doctors […]
Thursday 12-12-24 Ms Rania
Grammar Book: Study page 39 and do exs B,C pages 40,41
Thursday 12-12-24 Ms Rania
Grammar Book: study pages 36-37 and do ex D page 38.
Wednesday 11-12-24 Ms Rania
Grammar Book: Study pages 44-45 and do exs C,D pages 46-47
Wednesday 11-12-24 Ms Rania
Grammar Book: study pages 36-37 and do ex D page 38.
Tuesday 10-12-24 Ms Rania
Grammar Book: study pages 47-48 and do exs A,B page 49.
Tuesday 10-12-24 Ms Rania
Test next Tuesday 17-12-24 Grammar Book: study pages 27-28, 31-32. Also, study revision exs page 35.
Monday 9-12-24 Ms Rania
Student’s Book: pages 100,110 -Reminder fot the last two writings. Grammalysis: exs 9,10 page 133. Speaking on the addictive habits of drinking and smoking- the causes and the consequences especially for young people.
Monday 9-12-24 Ms Rania
Grammar Book: study pages 34-35 and do exs B,C pages 35-36
Thursday 5-12-24 Ms Rania
Grammar Book: exs D,E pages 36-37